Average Overall Rating
4 / 5
(as chosen by reviewers)
Overall User Rating
4 / 5
(as chosen by reviewers)
Overall Professional Rating
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Less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1 to 3 years
3 to 5 years
Over 5 Years
Does this Beit Din:
Have a website?
Post a procedure guide?
Iist all costs?
Have clear contact information?
Have an evaluation form?
Rabbi Reiss helped facilitate getting me my get right away.
The rabbis basically told me to give up my kesubah money as a given- you want him to give the get don’t you?
CRC was very easy to work with. As soon as I had the civil divorce decree in hand (took a while since it was the start of Covid) I emailed them a copy and they sent me letter saying was halachically divorced.
Very easy, didn't have to sit with my ex, mom came with me. Ex had to pay all costs. Civil divorce came about a month later.
Didn't issue a seruv for get refusal
They handle it as quickly as they could. My ex was very uncooperative. He gave the get and we had to file an order of protection the next day so the Beit din rushed me in to pick up the Get next morning. Kind and courteous the whole time.
they made me wait 3 weeks before they could provide my get appt, which was stressful as I was afraid he would change his mind and withhold
Quick and competent
Negative-The beis dins inability to force compliance from my exwife
Positive-The av beis din
This beit din is committed to making the process of receiving a divorce transparent by spelling out the steps of the process as well as the steps of the actual ritual of the Get to clients.
This beit din recognizes the sensitive nature of the process and things on hand like tissues, and water to drink. The beit din offered breaks during emotional moments, and was sensitive to details such as asking a woman what last name she prefers they use.
This beit din keeps and shares its number of cases, average length it takes to resolve a case, how many seruvim it orders and more.
Do not invite them to smachot, shabbat meals, or events
This beit din offers a supportive person of the same gender to accompany parties through the divorce process (Din Torah, Get giving ritual)
This beit din reaches out after the divorce process is completed to check in on clients’ wellbeing.
This beit din has received training on domestic violence, how it might present in the beit din, and how to best work with survivors
This beit din has attended training on the challenges our community faces regarding addiction in all of its forms and how it might present itself at the Beit Din.
This beit din has taken time to attend training on the struggles women face as they stand before a beit din. The Dayanim are committed to learning the unique challenges that religious women face in this very male space. We can connect you with a training provider in your area.
This beit din has taken a course in understanding various ways Jewish marriage can be ended beyond the giving of the Get when the need is great.
This beit din has received Get refusal training and recognizes that demanding a price or conditions in exchange for a Get is abuse and does not allow this to occur in its court. This includes insisting custody and finances are sorted before giving the Get.
This beit din works with organizations that advocate for people navigating the divorce process. The beit din communicates freely and regularly with these organizations as well as partners with them to solve cases.
This beit din thinks creatively and strategically, is proactive in resolving cases and looks for solutions and ideas to free women and men being refused a Get.
Everything, it was handled quickly and professionally. Everything was explained in a non-judgemental way.